Shopify Integration

Integrating your shopify store

  1. From the left hamburger menu, click the Configuration button
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the option “Integration”. Select the option from the dropdown list – Shopify
  1. You will be asked to fill the following mandatory details. Please make sure to review your store details and then fill the correct details (You will find details under App development in your shopify store) Refer this to find out how to get these details on Shopify –
    1. Shop name
    2. Access token
    3. API key
    4. API secret key
  1. Once done, click the connect button Note. If the connection fails, you will see an error message “Unauthorized”. Please try again with the correct details or consult your bndle admin
  1. If the connection is successful, you will start seeing this and your store is now connected to bndle
    1. Note: remove “https://” from shop name before pasting
    2. Here is some sample data –
      1.     “shopName”: ““,
      2.     “accessToken”: “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”,
      3.     “apiKey”:”9e3dde4d564ea4e0bde3c4ecb10113e4″,
      4.     “apiSecretKey”:”8cc6f1d9de2e9a9e60d54101111a205e”
  2. Now go to your  Shopify store > App development
    1. Go to Apps and Sales Channel from left navigation
    1. Go to configuration > Admin api integration
    2. Give all the permissions for Inventory, Order editing, Orders, Products and Returns. See below screenshot

  1. As soon as you click the Sync button, Bndle portal will start syncing the products from your store in Disabled status.

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